One Ocean Nature Conservation Centre

Within any action that we take, we ensure that we prioritize the preservation and celebration of our planet's natural beauty and resources

Reusing trash and transforming them into beauty
Reusing trash and transforming them into beauty
rescuring broken corals and replanting them
rescuring broken corals and replanting them
Preserving wildlife and ensuring their safety
Preserving wildlife and ensuring their safety

Reusing trash and transforming them into beauty

Rescuing broken corals and replanting them

Preserving wildlife and ensuring their safety

Awareness talks to people about our nature
Awareness talks to people about our nature
Beach clean ups with volunteers
Beach clean ups with volunteers
Working together with coastal communities
Working together with coastal communities

Beach clean ups with volunteers

Awareness talks to people about our nature

Working together with coastal communities

Nature Comes First

One Ocean's Nature Conservation Centre

One Ocean’s Nature Conservation Centre Initiative is an extensive program aimed at safeguarding nature environments and ensuring sustainable practices in the fishing industry. Our primary objective is to foster a balance between human activities and the preservation of vital ecosystems, including coastal forests and wetlands that play a crucial role in maintaining marine biodiversity. Our conservation centre is located at Usukan Island.

Usukan Island is a hidden gem nestled within the waters off the coast of Kota Belud in Sabah, Malaysia. This picturesque island is renowned for its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life.

With its relatively untouched and unspoiled surroundings, Usukan Island offers an idyllic retreat for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Also, our conservation centre is located 15 minutes of the shore of Kuala Abai, a beach located in Kota Belud. And about 2 hours away from the main city of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

A quick introduction to our Centre!

Testemonials from past visitors

Visiting Usukan Island was like stepping into a postcard-perfect paradise. The pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and clear blue waters exceeded all my expectations. Snorkeling alongside colorful fish left me in awe of the island's natural beauty and rich history. But what truly made my experience unforgettable was the sense of tranquility and connection to nature that enveloped me throughout my stay. Usukan Island isn't just a destination; it's a soul-soothing escape that I'll cherish forever.

Jazvin Kaur

”I miss the sunda scop owl birds...
But without a doubt, it's a damn beautiful island.
The sunsents have to be the best here. Like lowkey, every night, the sunsets here are better than in New York”

Ahmad Zaki

We spent a week and a half with Monica, her crew and a bunch of cheeky monkeys on her beautiful beach on the island. It's a wonderful place to strip everything back to the bare basics, get involved with an eco project or two and immerse yourself in island community life. White sand, sparkling waters and coral reef in front, jungle out back, what more could a nature-lover want?! Thank you for inviting us to stay with you Monica!

Zac Newham

It’s the most amazing place, where it’s possible to experience the life really in contact with nature and with a lot of different beautiful people. The project with the coral is really important and will help our planet, nature comes first!

Rebecca GueriniA

Testemonials from past visitors

Already passed some time since I was volunteering in Ocean Quest camp, but every day I remember and try to share with others my beautiful experience there and what I learned.
Monica warmly welcomed me in KK, I got trainings there, then we left to the island where I sped most of my time. Waking up with the most beautiful sunrise wasn't even the best thing... I learned so much not only about coral propagation, but also how to survive in nature and new crafts: carving totems, new recipes, how to protect our food from monkeys, where to get water, how to climb trees, build houses, ect... Since I came and when I left I think the island changed a lot and I believe it will only be changing more for good! I had many lessons in one month and I will carry this experience forever.
I miss being around all those nice people that made me feel like I have a family there!
Thanks to Monica I also finished my SSI open water diving certificate so I wasn't afraid to dive and see the underwater world again in another country.
Miss you and Love you my 1OE family and hope to see you again soon!


We spent the last few days planting corals, improving the surroundings of their island, getting to know people from places i never knew exist. AND THE MONKEYS, HELLL NAWHHH, THEY FIRING US EVERYDAY. But regardless, I love every single bit of my time here
P.S Best sunsets ever


I learned that nature doesn't connect the greenery around us, but the people as well. As much as i hate the sandflies, mosquitoes, and freaky bugs (not a nature person btw) I learned to accept them because everything in nature serves for eachother. We need eachother to live, love, and laugh

Luigi Cusimano